The Power of Loving, Forgiving, & Forgetting

Written By Frank A. De La Rosa

Within the pages of this captivating eight-book journey, the author invites us into a life shaped by the enduring power of resilience, faith, and unwavering determination. ‘From Philippines to America: A Tale of Triumph and Transformation’ is more than just a memoir; it’s a testament to the human spirit’s capacity to rise above challenges and find light even in the darkest of moments.

About the Book

Over the course of eight books, I’ve chronicled my journey from the Philippines to the United States, primarily focusing on my memoirs. It wasn’t easy to find the right title for this latest book. With perspective, I’ve chosen to delve into both the brighter and darker sides of my life. While many focused on the former in my previous works, I realized that the latter, the struggles, deserve recognition too.

We each have our stories, even the seemingly foolish ones. To free ourselves, we must clear the cobwebs that weigh down our minds and spirits. Holding onto burdens for years only leads to chronic depression and a sense of helplessness. I personally learned this lesson after surviving a broken marriage and losing my wife to cancer. The struggles continued as her family took our children away without my consent, leaving me with a sense of abandonment and Great Depression.

But through faith in Christ, I endured. Regardless of those who hurt me, I forgave, loved, and pressed on. Life in the United States brought new opportunities. As my eyes stretched from mountains to plains, I found myself embracing a new country and its beauty. Starting anew wasn’t easy, but I adopted the attitude that if others could succeed, so could I. With determination, education, and a smile, I secured a job that marked the beginning of a new chapter.

In the melting pot of America, I encountered people from all walks of life, revealing both the good and the bad. This country’s diversity strengthens it, yet it’s not immune to cruelty. Poverty brought its own challenges, as hospital staff treated us as dirt due to lack of insurance or money. Even within my family, I tried to uplift, but love, forgiveness, and moving forward proved to be the most transformative.

Book Reviews

Royal Book Review

Reviewed by Nicole Miller

ISBN: 979-8-89030-153-6 (Paperback Edition)
ISBN: 979-8-89030-154-3 (E-book Edition)

Frank A. De La Rosa’s “The Power of Loving, Forgiving & Forgetting” is an emotionally resonant narrative
that follows the journey of a Filipino protagonist, navigating a series of formidable challenges and
ultimately discovering hope in a foreign land. De La Rosa’s compassionate narrative voice and astute
storytelling delve deep into the complexities of life’s tribulations and illuminate the path toward

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Silver Screen Ticket

Reviewed by Samantha Jones

ISBN: 979-8-89030-153-6 (Paperback Edition)
ISBN: 979-8-89030-154-3 (E-book Edition)

Potential Cinematic Gem: A Call to Filmmakers

Frank A. De La Rosa’s outstanding book, “The Power of Loving, Forgiving & Forgetting,” is a
captivating masterpiece that is sure to leave readers spellbound. This exceptional work of
literature has all the makings of a cinematic masterpiece, with its emotionally resonant story and
complex and well-developed characters. It has the power to stir deep-seated emotions in its
readers and leave them pondering on the universal themes of love, forgiveness, and redemption.

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