The Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever

Written By Frank A. De La Rosa

Step into the enchanting world of ‘The Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever: A Colorful Life of an Immigrant in America,’ and embark on an extraordinary journey of positivity, faith, and the enduring spirit of author Frank A. De La Rosa

About the Book

The Thing of Beauty Is a Joy Forever is created based on a famous quotation from a world-renowned English poet during the early part of the eighteenth century. His name was John Keats. Frank liked and loved his works. In his love for photography, he came to like taking beautiful pictures of almost everything that he saw with his eyes.

Book Reviews

Holly Wood Book Review (Excellent Merit Awardee)

Reviewed by Rae C. Bernard

US ISBN: 9781796034509

To imagine life through the eyes of a happy, positive yet realist person, is almost like stumbling upon a mystical creature. Interestingly enough, there are actual people in this world that possess some, if not more of these qualities. Unsure if everyone’s belief system is similar, but to be encouraged by an individual to seek out the possibility of learning more about the creator, is such a blessing. 

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